Friday, January 12, 2007
NO, I have not been having conversations with dead people and YES, I was completely sober. On that day, I focused on reaching out to Erik and letting him know how much he is missed, how much people admired his zest for life, how much positive snow safety education has resulted from his accident, etc. This is not new for me, I have reached out to other lost loved ones before. Some people do this through prayer, meditation, whatever. When reaching out to people, I have often sensed they can hear or feel my thoughts. With Erik, I felt a really strong connection and felt he understood what I was saying and was in a happy place. It was a powerful 15 minutes and due to that I felt like sharing. It probably was not wise to share with the cyber world so soon after the experience.
Today (January 12th) has been an impactful day for me. Before picking some colleagues up at a village, I had some time to reflect next to a beautiful stream. One year ago today, Emily and I landed in Delhi and began this odyssey. Wow, what fantastic experiences. I also thought about a good friend Erik Lewis who passed away two years ago today. While reflecting on quite an amazing year, it reinforced how lucky I am and how rewarding it is to continuously enjoy living. Erik shared this zest for life and living amongst his passions. To no surprise, he is doing extremely well and very much at peace with his current surroundings. It was an amazing connection: full of tears, smiles, and mutual appreciation.
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